Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Wardrobe Consultation with Beth Ann and Tiff...

Hi! My name is Tiffany, and I manage the Boutique and Makeup Studio. I recently turned THIRTY (oy!) and decided to have Beth Ann come and help me harness my personal style and eliminate the 'little girl' looks that are still lurking in my closet. My goal is to never again have one of those terrible days where you throw something on and don't feel like yourself for the rest of the day.

First, I made a collage of tear sheets showing looks that I wanted to incorporate into my wardrobe.

BA worked her magic and transformed it into somewhat of a story board. She even incorporated this little index card I recently came across showing my 'colors' from Junior High Home Ec class. She said my style includes romantic and retro elements with a funky edge.

First things first: We went through my closet and eliminated outdated/worn out pieces or things that just plain weren't ME. You know, those things you buy just because they're on sale, or things that you once loved (the ugly wedge shoes that you keep around because they remind you of your study abroad in Italy). It's so much easier to see clearly when there's an expert on the premises! Here's the mountain of things going to charity.

Daisy thought this jacket was a keeper, but BA and I disagreed...

Now that there was more breathing room for my favorite pieces, BA went to work putting outfits together in a way that emphasized my personal style and brought in elements I loved from my collage. It was FANTASTIC having her eye put interesting combinations together from my wardrobe - things I would have never come up with on my own!

She explained that in her modeling days, she learned that there are particular points on a person's body where clothing should hit to flatter their individual body shape (in my case, make this short, pear-shaped girl appear longer and leaner!) AND what to look for when I go shopping in the future. She also showed me how to adjust pieces I currently own to be more flattering. In most cases, her recommendations involved having a piece taken in or the hem adjusted.

I'm going to take this skirt in a bit and shorten and BUBBLE the hem so that it doesn't swallow my small frame...

Skirts this length are more appropriate...

In this photo, note that the black pants have one shorter leg and one longer. She suggested I let down the hem to elongate my legs. See the difference?

My wardrobe session with Beth Ann was AMAZING and extremely helpful. I highly recommend inviting her into your personal fashion world to help you become the best you possible. For more information, call us at 404-233-4424 or check out our website

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